Free: Cowsynth
For thousands of years, bagpipes have been the sonic terrorist's weapon of choice. Cowsynth brings that terror to the 21st century by taking samples of bagpipes and treating them as oscillators in a simple synthesizer. Bagpipes with their strong upper partials make a very nice organic substitute for a saw wave oscillator, and with eight-voice unison they make great pads, strings and organs. And obnoxious bagplucks, too. The pipes themselves were built based on a medieval drawing (so they're not very Scottish), and the bag is cowskin - that's why we gave it the Cowsynth name.
The seven SFZ mappings are Baggy, Wheezy, Lonely, Asthmatic, Fancy, Shifty and Doc. There aren't a lot of samples here, so the library is only a 13 MB download. The below demo features fancy plucks, shifty leads and asthmatic pads.