The same bass sampled in the free Black And Blue Basses library, but with many more techniques.
Walkthrough video below. Please see the Media section to the left for demo tracks. "Ouroboric Snack" and "Bass Falling Down The Stairs" use Baconwulf as the source of all sounds. "Darkness Before Dawn", on the other hand, uses 32 different techniques from it.
Over 7500 samples and 4.8 GB.
- Extended low range an octave below the standard low E on most techniques, additionally extended to C and A below that on some techniques
- Up to four velocity layers
- Up to eight round robins
- Ordinary picking, picking near the bridge, hammer-ons and pull-offs
- Three types of muting: ghost notes, palm muting, palm-muted ghost notes
- Harmonics
- Three types of slides
- Fingering noises
- Extended techniques: Pick scrapes, pick stabs with five stab locations, and body punches
- Screwdriver taps, screwdriver rubs, hits to the body with a knife handle, using a bottle as a pick, using a copper pipe as a slide, to hit the strings, to bounce off the strings
- Prepared bass techniques: the copper pipe under the strings, two binder clips on the strings in plucked and tremolo versions, wooden clothespin on the strings in two locations, paper plate between the strings, toilet paper over the neck pickup
- Sympathetic resonance from bowing a double bass in long, short and tremolo versions
- 10 types of various noise effects
- Vibrato with humanization
- Two types of release noises
- Feedback
- Unison mode
Requires the free Plogue Sforzando sampler, which works on 64-bit Windows and Mac systems, 4 GB RAM, and an SSD.