A collection of West African percussion recorded in Ghana. There are round drums and rectangular drums; bells that look like a boat and like a wizard, and more:
- Low drums: dondo, gome, tumpani, fontomfrom, br3k3t3, merima, atihom, asafo, three different tamalens.
- High drums: djembe, atim3vu, havana, adewu, sogo, kidi, kagan, ma, pati male and female.
- Bells: gankogui single, gankogui double, toke, firikyiwa.
- Shakers: axatse, akaye.
- Bonus loops and freestyles.
Walkthrough video below. Please see the Media section to the left for demo tracks.
Five round robins throughout, three velocity layers for all of the drums, most of the bells except the firikyiwa and some of the gankogui bends, and the akaye. The playable instrument samples add up to over 1700 samples and 900 MB, plus over 500 MB of loops and freestyles.
Requires the free Plogue Sforzando sampler, which works on 64-bit Windows and Mac systems, 4 GB RAM, and an SSD.